Episode Summary
On the hardest days I place my comfort and inspiration in the things that are bigger than me and the constant cycles of nature, and I just try to embrace what is. In this week’s episode we have music from Nova, MAC, Julie Vallimont, and Lissa Schneckenburger. Ben Williams reads a poem by Sara Teasdale, Margaret Youngberg reads a poem by William Wordsworth, and Julie reads a poem by Cale Young Rice to music by Aaron Marcus.
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Episode Notes
1. Golden Gate Waltz – Everest Witman (Montréal, QC). This tune is from Nova’s album Little Sky, featuring Kathleen Fownes on fiddle, Everest on guitar, and Guillaume Sparrow-Pepin on accordion. www.novatriomusic.com
2. Stars, by Sara Teasdale. Read by Ben Williams (Northampton, MA).
3. Tuula’s – MAC (CA and WA). This tune is performed by the band MAC, featuring Elias Alexander, Ryan McKasson, and Colin Cotter. It is found on their album Perfectly Manufactured Reality. www.tunesbymac.com
4. I wandered lonely as a cloud, by William Wordsworth. Read by Margaret Youngberg (Greenfield, MA).
5. Bein’ Green – Julie Vallimont (Brattleboro, VT). Julie created a crankie to illustrate this well-loved song by Joe Raposo. This is Julie’s recording of the song from the crankie soundtrack. You can watch the crankie on her website: www.julievallimont.com/artwork/
6. Eugenia’s – Lissa Schneckenburger (Brattleboro, VT). A beautiful waltz written by New Hampshire dance musician and tune writer Bob McQuillen, recorded by Lissa Schneckenburger on her Dance album. Also with Bethany Waickman (guitar), Eric Merrill (viola), and Corey DiMario (double bass). www.lissafiddle.com
7. A song for healing, by Cale Young Rice. Read by Julie Vallimont (Brattleboro, VT). The music is an original untitled tune by Aaron Marcus (Montpelier, VT). https://aaronmarcus.bandcamp.com/releases
The opening music is “The Pearl in Sorrow’s Hand” by Julie Vallimont, from her album Dark Sky, Bright Stars. Produced by Julie Vallimont. Mixed and mastered by Dana Billings. All content courtesy of the artists, all rights reserved. This series is supported in part by the Country Dance and Song Society, NEFFA, and Pinewoods Camp.
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